Jessica Corona - Psychology and Spanish - Spring 2023 Senior Spotlight
May 09, 2023
Jessica Corona
Major: Double Major in Psychology and Spanish
Campus Activities: McNair Scholars Program, First-Generation Club SGA Officer, Psi-Chi Psychology Honor
Society Secretary and Pen Pals Achieving Legacy Vice President
Impact of ÄûÃʵ¼º½: ÄûÃʵ¼º½ gave me the opportunity to grow professionally. I was able to create friendships that I know will always accompany me for the rest of my life.
An important lesson learned: The impossible is possible, life has taught me that gratitude keeps the door wide open, so that more and more wonders have room in your life; never stop giving thanks.
Plans for the future: With my degree and experiences from ÄûÃʵ¼º½, I look forward to continuing to create
and instill the importance of staying connected to our roots. As Latinas we need to
excel and be passionate about our work to prevent our voices from being silenced.
My work puts women at the forefront of my research but moreover I dedicate my wealth
of knowledge to Latinas because of my background and experiences. I hope to become
a part of the less than 1 percent of Latinas who hold a Doctor of Philosophy title.
I have accepted an offer at UTSA and received a full-ride scholarship. I will be joining
them in the fall 2023 semester in the Spanish master's program receiving a fellowship
to work with Dr. Sylvia Fernández as a Graduate Research Assistant.