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Report It

If this is an EMERGENCY, call ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Police at 210-431-0911 or dial 911. The ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Report It page contains links to important reporting forms for members of the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ community. To submit a report, first determine which of the descriptions below best describes your concern. Then, follow the link contained in the description to submit your report.

Student Complaints & Grievances

All student complaints and grievances fall under one of three categories. To submit a complaint/grievance, first determine which of the three descriptions below best describes your complaint/grievance. Then, follow the link contained in the description to submit your complaint/grievance.

Academic Complaints

This procedure covers academic issues that include but are not limited to alleged violations of academic policies (e.g., application of grading policies), unfairness in the application of policies (e.g., accusation of cheating), or other academic matters.


Non-Academic Complaints

This procedure is meant to address non-academic student complaints (e.g., a dissatisfaction with some factor regarding a department, service, process, person, or university administrative action) and non-academic student grievances (e.g., allegations involving a serious violation of university policy or that a person believes to be unfair, inequitable, retaliatory, discriminatory, or a hindrance to the educational process) that are not covered by other procedures. This procedure can be used for issues such as a student perceiving their classroom temperature as too cold, a recreation program schedule as inconvenient, an employee as being rude, a student believing they were unfairly denied a request for accommodations, discriminated against because of their age, retaliated against for exercising a legitimate and legal right, and similar reasons.


Title IX

The Title IX Report Form documents incidents or alleged violations of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, and violence, including acts of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. This form can be utilized by anyone in the community wishing to file a report on their own behalf or by anyone wishing to file a report on behalf of another member of the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ community.
View Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedure


Title IX Incidents & Discrimination

Title IX Reports

The Title IX Report Form documents incidents or alleged violations of sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment, and violence, including acts of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. This form can be utilized by anyone in the community wishing to file a report on their own behalf or by anyone wishing to file a report on behalf of another member of the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ community.

Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, or persons who have information regarding these crimes, are strongly encouraged to immediately report the incident to the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Police Department, or police department within the jurisdiction of the incident. ÄûÃʵ¼º½PD will report acts of sexual misconduct to Title IX.
View Title IX Policy & Grievance Procedure



ÄûÃʵ¼º½ is an equal opportunity institution and is committed to fostering a diverse environment that is free from discrimination. The Nondiscrimination Policy provides details on the persons or procedures that have been designated to handle complaints related to the nondiscrimination policies set forth by the university.
View Complete Nondiscrimination Policy

Concerning Behavior

Student Conduct Violations

The Student Report Form is for members of the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ community to report incidents involving allegations of student misconduct in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
View Student Handbook


Student Behavior Intervention Team

The Student Behavior Intervention Team (SBIT) depends on community members to help keep the community safe. Staff, faculty, and students are asked to bring concerns to the attention of the team. Concerns may include behavior such as self-harm, threatening to harm self or others, erratic or alarming behavior, instability, or prolonged absence. Faculty, staff, and students can alert us of concerns by:

  • Submitting a "Behavioral Concerns Report" online
  • Emailing, calling or visiting a team member
  • *Reports can be submitted anonymously

If this is an emergency or if a crime has occurred, please contact the ÄûÃʵ¼º½ Police Department at 210-433-0911 or call 911. If you're not sure whether this is an emergency or not, do not take any chances. Call the police. They can help you assess the situation.


Concerns About an Employee’s Welfare

If you are concerned about the welfare of a faculty or staff member, please contact the Human Resources Office at 210-431-3970 or email hrteam@ollusa.edu.

For Employees Only: Employee policies and procedures are outlined in the .

Anonymous Tips & Criminal Activity

Silent Witness Program

The Silent Witness Program is designed to provide a completely anonymous method of contacting University Police Department to provide timely information. Whether you saw it, heard it, or heard about it, you may be able to assist us in resolving Campus Crime issues by providing us with information. You can complete the Silent Witness Form or you can call 210-431-4111.

Campus Security Authority (Clery Act Crime) Reporting

Campus Security Authority (CSA) are individuals at the university who, because of their function for the university, have an obligation under the Clery Act to notify the university of alleged Clery Act Crimes that are reported to them or that they may personally witness. If a CSA receives information of alleged Clery Act crime and believes it was provided in good faith, or personally witnesses an alleged Clery Act Crime, they should report the crime directly to the University Police or complete one of the following CSA Reporting Forms.

Campus Security Authority Reporting Forms (Clery Act Crime Reporting)
CSA Reporting Form
CSA Reporting Form Sex Offenses
CSA Reporting Form for Faculty/Staff Led Trips

Other Comments and Concerns

Submit a complaint for any other comments or concerns not covered by the above reporting forms.
